Alan Magee was born in Ireland and lives and works between Dublin & London. He holds an MA in Fine Art from Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design, London, and a BA from TU Dublin (DIT), Ireland. Awards include; Arts Council Ireland and Culture Ireland awards, The Performance Corporation’s SPACE Programme 2022 residency, Fire Station Artists’ Studios sculpture bursary, and Florence Trust studio residency. He has notably exhibited at White Cube, London; Castor, London; Xi’an Academy, China and LCGA, Limerick. He is a PhD researcher on the C.O.A.T. scholarship, exploring the nature of artistic labour in the post-digital era. He is an occasional lecturer at UAL and is represented by Castor (London).

Magee’s practice employs a diverse array of media and processes as he questions modern capitalism’s effect on the human condition, in particular, the labouring body. His works are conceptually tethered to the labour of their making, and as such can be read as performance as much as sculpture. Utilising Virtual reality, Augmented reality, Ceramics, Robotics, Digital sculpture, 3D printing and Drawing, the works overlap to form multi-layered and satisfying linkages between them.

“In a series of highly conceptual works, Magee explores understandings of labour and the handmade, broadly speaking, through the prism of critical theory. Magee creates an allegory for how human intellect and self-identity are tied to the material self – the sustenance of the body and life. Marx understood this as ‘species essence’, from which individuals have been alienated by modern capitalism’s demand for the mass production of useless and meaningless things.”
By Carissa Farrell; The VAN Newspaper, 2020.

Solo Projects/Exhibitions
2021 – Ode to the soft center – The Courthouse Gallery, Clare, Ireland
2020 – Among the dregs of daily toil, The LAB Gallery, Dublin
2019 – Data Dust, Dust Data, Castor, London
2019 – ALAN MAGEE 1/5-31/5, Museum of Contemporary Art London, (Web Exhibition)
2017 – Business as usual, Castor, London
2016 – Some days I’m thinking, some days I’m dreaming, Castor, London
2015 – There is no way of knowing if this is meaningful, let alone the beginning of something, Cross Gallery, Dublin
2015 – Alan Magee at DOLPH Projects, London
2013 – Gapfill: more beauty, more happiness, Nexus Arts & Highlanes Gallery, Drogheda
2012 – Agents of change, Studio 1.1, Shoreditch, London
2011 – Our Lives as Things, Occupy Space, Limerick, Ireland

Selected Group Exhibitions

2022 – Once Upon an Instant – Curated by Ben Woodeson, Berlin
2021 – The Stable Object in Precarious Times – curated by Andy Wicks, Castor *Online due to Covid-19
2020 – Habitual, curated by Andy Wicks, Castor, London
2020 – Cognitive Contagion, curated by Ben Woodeson *Online due to Covid-19
2020 – Touch me, curated by Veronika Neukirch *Online due to Covid-19

2018 – Solid Gone, curated by Ben Woodeson, Sordoni Art Gallery, Pennsylvania, USA*
2018 – New Relics, curated by Kate Terry & Tim Ellis, Thames-Side Studios Gallery, London

2017 – Make_Shift, curated by Rosalind Davis, Collyer Bristow Gallery, London*
2017 – Castor Frieze Exhibition, curated by Andy Wicks, Century House, London

2016 – Revive!, curated by Galitzine MacKenzie, Paddington, London
2016 – Playroom, curated by Galitzine MacKenzie, Soho, London

2015 – Contemporary Drawings from Britain, curated by Marco Cali & Xing Zhang, Xi’an, China*
2015 – True, False and Slightly better, Coleman Project Space, London
2015 – Art & Labour, curated by The Modern Language Experiment, Sluice, London
2015 – The Presence of Absence, curated by Paul Carey Kent, Berloni, London*

2014 – Din Konst Galleri, Tranås, Sweden
2014 – Trade, curated by Andy Wicks, 16 Little Portland Street, London
2014 – Morphisisation, A.P.T Gallery, London*
2014 – Interchange Junctions, 5 Howick Place, London

2013 – Open Cube, curated by Adriano Pedrosa, White Cube – Mason’s Yard, London*
2013 – Plus Jamais Seul, Standards Espace D’Exposition, Rennes, France
2013 – The Structure of Things, dalla Rosa Gallery, London*
2013 – PLOT POINT, curated by collectif_fact, Swiss Church, London
2013 – ‘I where a dress’, curated by Sasha Burkhanova, High Holborn, London*
2013 – Founding Phant, curated by P Quast & J Stack, Ormston House Gallery, Limerick
2013 – ‘…even CLOUDS…’ curated by K James & M Keenan, Studio 1.1, London

2012 – Endogenous, Maria Stenfors, London
2012 – Petite enveloppe urbaine, curated by D Scholes, launch at Banner Repeater, London*
2012 – ALTER, curated by J Carlisle & S Pentelow, Vegas Gallery, London
2012 – System Of Objects, curated by Louise Ashcroft, Departure Foundation, London
2012 – ‘… and all shall have prizes… ‘, curated by K James & M Keenan, Studio 1.1, London

2011 – What is an Art Book? curated by The Modern Language Experiment, London.*
2011 – The Florence Trust summer show, curated by Paul Bayley, London, UK *

2010 – Liverpool Rd Est Project, curated by Tall Tales, London
2010 – Framing Motion, Moves 10, Liverpool, UK

2009 – Visual Deflections, curated by K Nolan, Old Truman Brewery, London
2009 – Moving Image, Synch Festival, Athens, Greece
2009 – Projected Weekends, The Digital Hub, Dublin
2009 – The Drawing Salon, curated by M Larsson & C Noronha Feio, The Mews Project Space, London
2009 – /Seconds, Online, curated by Nooshin Farhid
2009 – Catch my Drift, Barge House, OXO Tower, London

2008 – Culture Night, Temple Bar, Dublin
2008 – Sculpture in Context, The National Botanic Gardens, Dublin
2008 – Reality in two Tones, Galleria Jakubska, Praha 1, Czech Rep *

2007 – Fetish in a Box, curated by Sandra Minchin, Triskel Arts Centre,Cork, Ireland

2006 – Fresh Re-imagining the collection, curated by Pippa Little, LCGA, Limerick *
2006 – Unknown Capitals, curated by Zsofia Ilosvai, Budapest, Prague, Paris & Seoul *
2006 – Sculpture in context, The National Botanical Gardens, Dublin

2005 – EV+A International Biennial of Art, curated by Dan Cameron, Limerick City Gallery of Art (LCGA), Limerick *
2005 – Moore St Lending Library, Dublin Fringe Festival, Dublin
(* Indicates publication)

Grants, Awards & Residences
Arts Council of Ireland – Agility Award
The Performance Corporation’s SPACE Programme 2022 residency – The Tyrone Guthrie Centre
Culture Ireland – Visual Arts Grant
Fire Station Artists Studios – Sculpture Bursary Residency Award
TU Dublin – Summer Studios
Arts Council of Ireland – Training Grant
Arts Council of Ireland – Travel & Mobility Award
Florence Trust – 1-year studio residency, London, UK
Dublin City Arts Office – Visual Arts Grant
Wicklow Arts Office – Visual Arts Grant
Cultural Relations Committee (CRC) – Visual Arts Bursary
ERDF Advanced Technologies Grant – In collaborating with University of Liverpool
NCM Visual Artists Professional Development award
LCN Visual Artists Innovative technologies award
John Creagh Memorial Award

Arts Council Ireland
Performance Corp
Fire Station Artists’ Studios